Monday, August 10, 2015

Welcome to 3rd Grade! I hope you are as excited about the upcoming year as I am. Here is some helpful information for the beginning of school.

We will be having a snack every morning, so please be sure to bring a healthy snack each day. If you are planning to have hot lunch, please bring lunch and milk money on the first day of each week in an envelope with your name, my name, and the amount of money written on the front. The cost for hot lunch this year is $2.60.

Please send a schedule with your child so that I can make sure your child goes where he/she needs to after school. If the schedule changes, it is important that you let me know either by note or email before 1:00.

Here is a list of supplies that you will need for third grade:
-pencils and erasers
-glue sticks 
-colored pencils or crayons
-a small supply box to keep in your desk
-1 deck of inexpensive playing cards
-1 dry erase marker
-an old sock or white board eraser
-a plastic bag with your name containing: 
     6 quarters, 10 dimes, 10 nickels, and 10 pennies
-It would also be very helpful if you would periodically donate a box of tissues as noses never stop running and we go through a lot!

I hope you enjoy the remaining days of summer vacation. I’m looking forward to having a great school year with you. See you soon! 

Mrs. Tripp

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