Friday, October 14, 2016

Phew! It has been a busy start to school and we are finally ready to write our weekly classroom blog. Each week a small group of students will have the opportunity to plan and write about third grade to share with our friends and families. Since this is the first blog, everyone in our class had the chance to contribute.

Whiteboard Messages: Every morning Mrs. Tripp writes a message on the whiteboard and we write a note on a sticky or on the whiteboard. A few messages we have had are: "What is your favorite book or series," "Musical Monday: What is your favorite song or band" and "Fantastic Friday."

Morning Meeting: We sit on the rug. The Calendar person does the date and the Weather Person checks the weather. The leader says the schedule for that day. After that we do share and then we do a movement break using Go Noodle.

Field Trips: We have had the opportunity to go on two field trips this year. First we went hiking on Beehive Mountain. It was fun. We were split into groups of about six. When we got to the top we ate snack and we were tired. The second field trip we went on was to Sand Beach for Junior Ranger Day. We had a lot of fun learning about what Rangers do in the park. It was a beautiful and warm fall day.

iPads: We use our iPads to do learning games (Lexia Core 5, IXL, and Addition Blocks). Addition Blocks is an adding game where you try to get the right number. Lexia is a game with levels that you can learn spelling and other reading things. We really love to use our iPads to help us learn.

Thank you for checking in on our first blog. Check back frequently for classroom updates!

~Mrs. Tripp's 3rd Grade~